Thermostat Recycling - AC Supply Co.

Thermostat Recycling

Recycle Mercury Thermostats with Us!

Drop mercury thermostats off at any AC Supply Location.

That’s all you have to do to make sure the thermostat is properly recycled. Next time you complete a job, hang onto the thermostats you remove and go to thermostat-recycle.org to find the drop-off site near you. The service is free and it helps us help you protect the environment.

Recycle thermostats through the TRC, it’s smart and easy. Very easy indeed.

Did you know that a mercury thermostat contains approximately 1,000 times more mercury than a light bulb? When mercury bulbs from thermostats are put into the regular trash, they can wind up in landfills where they could then leach the mercury into our water supply. Luckily, in partnership with Thermostat Recycling Corporation (TRC), we’re here to make recycling mercury thermostats easy.

As an industry-funded non-profit, TRC’s mercury thermostat recycling program provides a safe way that is free and easy for you to dispose of mercury thermostats. Simply bring the thermostats with you to drop off on your next visit to us and we will take care of the rest with TRC. There is no cost to the contractor, as all ongoing costs to ship and process the mercury-containing thermostats are covered by TRC. Visit www.thermostat-recycle.org to learn more about the program.

It may seem like a small thing but in reality it’s not. Since TRC’s founding they’ve recycled over 1.7 million thermostats and kept more than 8 tons of mercury out of the waste stream.

Call our office for details and to find out how easy it is to recycle mercury thermostats with us.